Insanity Week one results

Insanity takes what I know and understand about P90x and turns it upside down! Which is exactly what I needed. Don’t get me wrong, I LUV P90x and can’t wait to do it again as a P90x/Insanity Hybrid program that Justin Mahan and Mike French have put together. But I need to complete this 60 nightmare first!!

The good news is that the workout programs are much shorter. By the time you get done with the warm up and stretching, there are 22-25 minutes left for the actual work out. Problem is, you will be smashed and exhasted from the warm up alone! So for 22 minutes, you will be working at 110% for 3 minutes, with 30 second breaks.

The results for my first week indicate improvement, even after suffering a racquetball injury. Yes, I pulled my calf muscle again. I just need to learn to show up to the matches ahead of time and do long methodical stretching and not the short useless ones I’ve been doing and jump into the match. Can’t do that anymore!

So I recorded my fit test which I will take again starting week 3 and have a better idea how I’m improving. According to my heart rate monitor, I’m burning more and more calories each time I do this, as I’m learning to modify the work out as to hang longer and not knock myself out short. Plus I’ve been really paying better attention to my nutrition.

So my tips for Insanity are the following:

  1. Dig deeper. Push yourself to the limit each time.
  2. Nutrition is key. Monitor what you put into your body. Eat the lean meat, ovoid red meat. Say away from enriched, processed sugar food.
  3. It’s ok to take a break. You don’t need to keep up if you can’t. Do what you can. Modify the moves as needed until you get the strength to keep up.
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